
Flexible and frictionless: composable e‑commerce with Drupal & Magento

That is why we’re moving to composable commerce, which means you instead think of best-of-breed and compose the right system for you. That makes even more sense considering that most companies already have either a content management- or e‑commerce system. If you combine that approach with proper MACH architecture (Microservices; API; Cloud; Headless), you have an excellent basis for success. Looking at systems capable of being used in large-scale environments and considering all the arguments mentioned above, we built a prototype integrating the Drupal CMS with the Magento commerce system.

Drupal can be customized for commercial storytelling as your business requires it – even more when you use it decoupled with a JavaScript framework like React or Vue.js. It also means that a massive community of developers keeps updating and improving the system while adding new modules. At the same time, the multi-language content management capacities make it the perfect platform for large multi-national and medium-sized businesses.

Magento, on the other hand, is one of the leading systems when it comes to e‑commerce. It has a smooth and intuitive commerce backend that can easily integrate various payment methods and has useful out-of-the-box analytics features – things you want for your e‑commerce system. The fact that it’s open source (just like Drupal) also means that you’ll be able to fully integrate it via API with whatever ERP system you’re using (assuming it allows connecting via API).

Combining both systems and integrating them into your IT infrastructure is possible with not much effort. This combination can become the basis for the content-rich experience which makes customers buy. An experience that will lead to a lower bounce rate, a higher retention rate, and, if you do some more things right, to higher basket values and more sales overall.


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