
Experience of Jesús Sánchez Balsera 


My first DrupalCon ever was Prague in 2013, so you can imagine that coming back to this beautiful city as my first in-person event since 2019 was really special. I missed DrupalCamp Spain in Zaragoza, due to being Covid positive, so I was really looking forward to this. It was kind of a surprise that I found it harder to socialize than before, though. 

But the Drupalcon was great, and Dries’ keynote was a highlight and a great reminder of the importance of the Open web and the open source software that makes it possible. The Core Initiative Leads’ keynote was also a great source of information about all the work recently done in Drupal Core, and what is coming in the future. 

Finally, it was great to attend my colleagues’ sessions, support them with the preparations, take pictures and enjoy their presentations. They did a great job, and I can fully recommend watching their sessions as soon as they are available online. 


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