
You need to reach your customers, and email is still one of the most effective ways to do that today. In 2022, email users will reach 4.3 billion. And by 2025, the figure is set to grow to 4.6 billion users. That means that half of the world’s population are your potential clients!

VerticalResponse is a great choice if you’re looking for an affordable email marketing service that can help you communicate with your customers. We have the tools you need to produce impressive email campaigns.

If you don’t have an email marketing plan, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. But we understand that as a non-profit organization, you have limited resources. That’s why we’re here, to help you get comprehensive email marketing services at a fair price.

VerticalResponse makes it easy to get your message out there. So stick around and learn more about the benefits of our services.

Easy to Use Editor

When it comes to email, there’s no one size fits all. Your emails are a reflection of your brand. You want to ensure they properly represent your company. Whether you’re looking to send a quick note or a long formal message, we’ve got a template for you.

Choose from various templates to customize your emails, depending on what type of message you want to convey.

You can change the look and feel of your emails and give your customers an experience representing your company. You’ll be up and running with a professional email campaign in minutes, requiring design skills.

Autoresponders and Email Series

With VerticalResponse, you can send targeted content to your customers at specific times. For example, you can use an autoresponder to send a welcome message to new subscribers or to follow up with customers after they’ve made a purchase.

Over time, you can also send welcome emails, educational content, or promotional offers. This keeps your customers coming back for more while also building trust and credibility with potential new leads.

Automated emails are simple to set up and can boost your open and clickthrough rates and profits.

Automated Follow Up Emails

Automate your follow-up emails for increased efficiency. Follow-ups help you reach busy customers who missed your initial email.

People receive hundreds of emails daily, so sending them a follow-up message can help them catch your message later on. This is a great way to increase engagement and conversions by keeping your emails in front of your customers. 

You can also use auto-follow-ups to re-engage customers who haven’t interacted with your content recently. A little nudge might be all they need to come back and do business with your organization.

Advanced Reporting

With VerticalResponse advanced reports, you can track your progress and see how your email marketing campaigns perform. You can monitor open and clickthrough rates, unsubscribed, and bounces.

This data helps you fine-tune your email strategy to make adjustments as needed. It also allows you to craft emails that your readers will love.

To make the most of your business marketing efforts, use Advanced Reporting to analyze, customize, and see great results.

Landing Page Builder

A landing page is a standalone web page designed for only one thing: to convert visitors into leads or customers. Creating a landing page takes time and effort. With VerticalResponse’s easy-to-use landing page builder, marketing your non-profit has never been easier.

With our landing page builder, you can add images, videos, forms, and calls to action to guide your visitors through the conversion process. Build professional landing pages highlighting your products, services, or upcoming events. You can also increase brand awareness and new leads.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a great way to see what works best for your non-profit marketing campaigns. Test different subject lines to see which performs better with your audience. With VerticalResponse, you can easily set up and run A/B tests that help you improve your email marketing strategy.

Our split testing allows you to send two subject lines to your audience. The versions can be different in any way, such as the words used, the length, and more. VerticalResponse will automatically send both subject lines to specific readers and analyze which works best.

Test Kit

Worried about how your emails look when you send them out? With our Test Kit feature, you never have to worry about that again. Test Kit allows you to see how your emails will look on over 60 different devices and email clients.

The Inbox Preview, Subject Line Preview, and Link Checker features ensure that your emails look and function as intended.


Surveys are a great way to collect customer feedback and learn more about your audience. With VerticalResponse, you can easily create mobile-friendly surveys that are compatible with all devices. Our surveys are easy to create and can be customized to fit your needs.

You can use our survey builder to gather customer thoughts and ask them questions about their experience. This helps you improve your products, services, or events.

Get Affordable Email Marketing Today

Now that you know about VerticalResponse’s affordable email marketing services, why not start your 60-day free trial today? With our free trial, you can enjoy all the features and benefits of our email marketing services without risk and commitment.

We know your budgets are tight, so if you’re a 501(c)(3) organization, we’ll give you 10,000 email credits per month for FREE! Or, get 15% off a monthly subscription plan. Get started today with VerticalResponse!

© 2022, Chris Duncan. All rights reserved.


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