
Hello (goodbye?), October! 🎃 

Can you believe we’re almost through 2022? That’s horrifying in and of itself!

In this month’s edition, you’ll find…

  • Fun Halloween facts… 
  • An amazing marketing campaign for the new horror film, Smile…
  • And a surprise update from Twitter that we’ve ALL been waiting for!


Irish immigrants brought Halloween to the U.S. ☘️

During the mid-1800s, a flood of Irish immigrants fled from the potato famine to the U.S., bringing the tradition of Halloween with them.

Candy corn is America’s least favorite candy! 👀

Candy corn has always been divisive, but according to CandyStore.com‘s most recent top 10 worst Halloween candies lists, more people hate it than love it. Consumers voted candy corn the worst Halloween candy in the country in 2019 and 2020. To be fair, it also made the 2020 top 10 best Halloween candies list, so it looks like the debate isn’t over yet! (Candy corn was also originally called “Chicken Feed.”)

So… where do you stand? Head over to our Instagram and make your voice heard! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

It is the most commercially successful horror film of all time. 🤡

The 2017 film based on Stephen King’s classic horror novel grossed $700,381,759 worldwide.



Have you heard of the new horror film Smile? We *have* to point out this stellar marketing campaign for the film.

From Collider: “Fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers, the Oakland A’s, New York Yankees, or NBC’s Today may have noticed something unsettling occurring [over the weekend]. With the release of Paramount Pictures’ new horror film Smile just around the corner, strange people have started popping up on public broadcasts with an unflinching, incredibly sinister-looking grin.”

Check out some of the shots here, courtesy of Erik Davis.


Y’all.. It’s happening. Twitter is rolling out an edit button to Twitter Blue subscribers in Canada, Australia and New Zealand! U.S. users can expect this feature in the coming weeks.

Now, after you’ve posted your tweet, you’ll see a notification informing you that you can make changes within the next half hour. Users can make up to 5 edits to the original tweet within that period.


Hocus Pocus 2 dropped on Disney+ on September 30, 2022 — and whether you liked it or not, it’s never a bad thing to feel a little nostalgia. I, for one, loved it! So tell us — what did you think of the film?

Hocu pocus 2


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