
Ten years ago, to be a successful brand, you had to have a website and be present on the Internet. In 2022, this is not enough. Developing the best digital experience is the primary weapon for today.

Your Drupal development company is back in business! Here is a new guide where you can find answers to the following questions:

  • What is a great digital experience?
  • How to create an excellent digital experience?
  • What makes for a great online experience?
  • Why is the digital experience important?
  • What is the modern digital experience?
  • What is an example of excellent customer service?
  • How to survive in the digital world?

So, do we get started? Make yourself a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to read this useful info. After reading, you`ll find what your site lacks and how to become on par with the best digital experience example platforms.

What is a great digital experience?

Outstanding digital experience is always about one thing, namely providing impressing and engaging interaction with business, company, or brand via intelligent devices and digital technology.
How to create an excellent digital experience? You will be able to provide the best digital experiences if the interactions between a customer and your company exceed consumers’ expectations. This can be reached by delivering exceptional digital interactions. You need to provide fast and cohesive experiences when customers interact with your brand. Try to do your best to become the first platform. It can be video calls services, e-learning systems, or online food delivery services.

What makes a great online experience?

Great online experiences can be created and maintained in a variety of ways. Below, we’ll talk about the essential practices that will help you rank among the top digital experience examples.

1. Improve or create mobile applications
The best digital experience isn’t just about the interaction between the PC and users. Today it is important to focus on creating the best mobile user experience. Even if your product is several times superior to your competitor’s product, but your application is inconvenient, you will lose a client.

2. Constantly update your website and app
A successful business is a constant development. GREAT DIGITAL EXPERIENCES are all about finding new ways to improve and simplify your digital customer experience. Use analytics to see at what stage buyers abandon a purchase to better place a call to action and optimize the user experience.

3. Listen to customers’ feedback
Gather customer feedback, if only to understand your weaknesses. Encourage your customers to leave feedback about working with you and your site or app. This allows you to fix bugs and improve the usability of your site or application.

4. Add a chatbot to your site
Chatbots can answer 80% of typical customer questions. So this is a great option to cut down on work for customer support teams. We highly recommend installing a chatbot to spend less time on routine questions and focus on supporting and solving severe clients.

Why are digital experiences important?

How much you improve the online experience determines how successful your brand will be. Don`t forget that customers always have a choice. So you need to be the best among others. It would be best if you met your customers’ expectations for the use and convenience of your digital channels.

What is the modern digital experience?

The present provides many ways to interact with brands. It includes mobile and desktop, voice-activated helpers, and other portable smart devices. We believe that the ESE formula can briefly describe the modern digital experience. Where E stands for Emotion, S stands for Success, and E stands for effort.
Are you sure that customers got positive impressions and emotions after interacting with your platforms? Any doubts? Then fix it quickly.
Ensure that the customer can complete their task and achieve the goal for which they use your site or platform.
How much effort does a potential buyer have to put in to get the information they are looking for? Try to do it yourself. Was the process smooth and easy? Not? Then change something.

What is an example of excellent customer service?

Digital experience platforms help to organize and manage to encourage relationships between customers, prospects, partners, and you. Customers come back and buy if they have a great experience with your platform. Here’s a list of the three best digital experience platform examples today:

  1. Gmail

    Britannica says that “Gmail, free e-mail service offered by the American search engine company Google Inc.” The use of predictive text input in Gmail has reduced the time to send messages. It thereby improves the user experience with the service. This is not a new option, but it went well with everyone.

  2. Salesforce

    Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM platform in the world. As it says on the official web page “We bring companies and customers together.” Here is one of the comments about the Salesforce experience:
    “One thing I enjoy about Experience Cloud is the flexibility in customization that it offers. As a user, there’s the ability to easily update information, perhaps access knowledgebase or help articles/forums, etc…” We have nothing more to add except that it is great.

  3. Magnolia

    Magnolia is an open-source platform that aims to connect CMS with API for eCommerce and DAM. Magnolia scored well in multi-site management. Let’s see what users say about it.
    “It’s content management system, based on Java that is built for enterprise. It is easy of use and flexible for all kinds of integration. It’s mainly used by marketing and IT functions to manage user journey on all the clients.”

    Have you used any of the examples of the shared experience listed above? Share your experience in the comments below.

How to survive in the digital world?

To survive in today’s ever-changing and fast-paced digital world, you need to cooperate with a team of experienced web developers. Only specialists can help your website create the best digital experience. Here’s how our Golems team has already helped the clients:

“GOLEMS G.A.B.B. OÜ upgraded and redesigned an open-source database website from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8. These changes made it possible for the website to be accessed on mobile devices. The redesigned website resulted in increased functionality, meeting the internal team’s expectations. GOLEMS G.A.B.B. OÜ collaborates and communicates effectively, establishing a hassle-free and flexible workflow. “
– Henrik Ingo, VP Engineering EMEA

“In an ongoing collaboration, GOLEMS G.A.B.B. OÜ built a website on an existing Drupal template from provided designs. GOLEMS G.A.B.B. OÜ’s work has experienced an excellent impression from the client’s team and visitors. The project management is effective and efficient and there was little delay. The team is in continued conversation with the client and always available.”
– Communications Manager, Institut français du Danemark

“GOLEMS G.A.B.B. OÜ provided website design and conceptual structures for an outdated website. They improved the site’s security, speed, and mobile experience. GOLEMS G.A.B.B. OÜ provided a strong website that hit garnered great organic search rankings. The deadlines were adhered to and their communication was quick. The project went well. “
– Wayne Pickering, Owner & Manager, Hike + Bike the Sierras

In today’s digital world, customers have more options than ever before. Therefore, to provide a brilliant digital experience, you need to ensure that your websites or apps are consistent and understandable. Plus, you can personalize the approach to the client as much as possible. It is high time to become one of the best digital experience examples! Contact our digital specialists or visit the Drupal services page to provide your client with a great digital experience.


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