
Number of chat forms 1 Unlimited Customize each chat form with unique features Fully self-hosted: No 3rd-party account required Lightweight Ajax-powered persistent chat solution Works with all mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.) Allow anyone to chat or limit to logged-in users Enable “read-only” mode for non-logged users Browser notifications for new chat messages 1-click export chat messages as CSV file Option to disable collection of sensitive user data Super strong security and anti-spam protection Enable Google reCaptcha (invisible) for all chat forms Choose from six form styles, or use custom styles Advanced chat management tools and user statistics Mute any user so they are not allowed to chat Ban any non-admin users from any chat session Enable customizable emoji picker for any chat form Display user avatars next to chat messages Display the user role next to chat messages Define your own Bang (!bang) shortcuts Email notifications for new chat messages Limit number of users for any chat form Create private chat boxes between users Banned phrases in text messages and user names Fine-grain control over allowed chat content Built with vanilla JavaScript (jQuery not required) Optionally display inline images in chat messages Automatically clear chat messages and send email alert Display a “current online users” widget for any form Displays a max-character counter for messages Display a role-based chat box on the WP Dashboard Choose from six sound alerts for new chat messages Option to include your own CSS and JavaScript Extensive documentation and tutorials Too many more features to list them all here!


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