
For show notes visit:


  • What is WebOps Enabled Accessibility
  • Who should be concerned about it
  • Describe a few use cases
  • What types of tests are good to perform
  • If Accessibility is “built-in” why do I need to test for it
  • How much accessibility is content related
  • Where do you run the tests
  • Are they pass / fail or percentage based
  • What tools are most common
  • How does Pantheon support WebOps Accessibility
  • Equalify.app



Blake Bertuccelli-Booth – Equalify.app @bbertucc


Nic Laflin – www.nLighteneddevelopment.com @nicxvan
John Picozzi – www.epam.com @johnpicozzi
Tearyne Almendariz – @tearyneg



Martin Anderson-Clutz – @mandclu

Entity Comparison

  • Brief description
    • Generate a configurable comparison table for two or more Drupal entities: products, events, people, etc
    • Not dependent on Commerce, but should be compatible
  • Brief history
  • Current version
    • Current 4.0 release created in Aug 2022, ready for Drupal 10, and has security coverage
  • Actively maintained
  • Number of open issues
  • Usage stats
  • Module features and usage
    • Generates “Comparison” configuration entities, which specify which entity type and bundle will be used
    • Automatically creates a view mode for the selected bundle
    • Fields set to display will be included in the comparison table
    • Two custom blocks: one to show the link to add to or remove an entity from the comparison (via AJAX), and one to show a link to the comparison
    • Link for toggle of an entity’s inclusion is also available as a field


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